Valuation & Liability
Increase your level of protection by purchasing additional valuation coverage from Professional
SECURE YOUR MOVEUnderstanding Valuation and Liability Options for Your Local Move
Our valuation options are completely transparent and designed to be easy to understand. We have a dedicated team of experienced Moving Consultants who are skilled professionals in being patient and answering all of your valuation questions before your move. They will confidently explain all your options, what is covered under each option, and how a situation might be handled in the event an accident was to occur.
The very best way to prevent a bad experience is by taking the time up front to properly plan and educate our customers on the normal risks, what’s covered, what’s not covered, and how something would be handled in the event of a claim.
That is why we have compiled the most comprehensive explanation of your valuation options and included all the relevant information here, so there are absolutely NO SURPRISES. At Professional, we want our customers to be the most well informed and knowledgeable customers. When it comes time to select a valuation option, you will be confident in selecting the option that best suits your needs and helps provide you with peace of mind.
Why is Valuation Important?
At Professional we are known for planning ahead to help try and prevent problems.
We provide our customers with a highly-trained move team along with the most technologically advanced protective materials and safe, modern moving equipment in an effort to mitigate or reduce the possibility of losing or damaging something.
We have an excellent track record for having low damage claims, but unfortunately, no matter how much pre-move planning and caution our movers take, accidents are always possible and sometimes occur as part of the moving process. The valuation option that you choose will help dictate how things are resolved in the event something is lost or damaged.
What is Valuation?
Valuation is NOT Insurance. Professional does NOT sell INSURANCE. Professional is not an insurance company or a licensed insurance agent (this applies to all moving companies), making Professional unqualified to sell you “insurance”.
But Isn’t Professional Insured?
Yes, Professional carries all the necessary insurance requirements to legally operate here in Michigan and throughout the United States as a moving carrier. However, expecting a formal insurance claim to be filed for every situation is a common misconception. Our insurance policies are there for unlikely, catastrophic events. It is important to understand that your selection of valuation coverage solely dictates what Professional is able to reimburse, under what circumstance.
Professional adheres to federal law and offers VALUATION
Valuation is the mechanism for assigning the value of goods while in the care, custody or control of Professional
Each customer has the ability to select additional valuation protection BEFORE any services are performed. It is very important to know the key word here is BEFORE any services are performed. Your belongings do NOT get automatic Full Value Protection, it is up to you to select and pay for additional protection if you would like additional coverage beyond the standard Limited Value Protection.
The valuation option you select will establish Professional’s maximum liability for loss or damage to customer’s goods while in Professional’s custody. Professional level of liability correlates to your valuation selection. Although Professional is fully insured, only the valuation option you select will apply to loss or damage to your property.
On the day of your scheduled service, The Team Leader assigned to your pack or move will perform a pre-move walkthrough of your space to compare the original list of items to be moved found on your estimate. At this time, they will present you with the Bill of Lading / Moving Contract, where you will be responsible to provide a loading signature as well as select your preferred Valuation option.
All Customers Moving Local Will Be Offered the Following Two Transit Valuation Options:
Our #1 Default Coverage is referred to as TRANSIT VALUATION OPTION 1: Limited Liability Protection (Already included in your estimate)
This option is already included in your estimate and there is no additional charge for this option. This option is NOT an insurance policy. This means that your property is covered for the minimum agreed value of $0.60 cents per pound per article. Option 1: Limited Value Protection is included in the basic moving charges. Again, there is no additional cost associated with selecting this option.
There is no deductible for Option 1: Limited Value Protection.
What Happens If Something is Lost or Damaged, and You Select Transit Valuation Option 1: Limited Liability Protection?
In case of loss or damage, this option will NOT pay for the full value of an item. Instead, if Professional is found responsible for loss or damage to an item, the weight of the lost or damaged item is multiplied by $.60 cents per pound to determine the settlement coverage. Actual full value of the damaged or lost item is NOT considered for settlement. Professional liability is limited to $.60 cents times the weight of the lost or damaged item.
For example, if a 100-pound dresser, valued at $1,000.00 was lost or destroyed, Professional maximum liability for the dresser would be $60.00. The actual value of the dresser does NOT matter. The customer would receive a settlement of only $60.00 for claim resolution. (100-pound dresser. x $.60 cents = $60.00 coverage)
Valuation Option Selected: | Option 1: Limited Liability Protection |
Damaged Item: | Dresser |
Dresser Price (New): | $1,000.00 |
Estimated Weight of Dresser: | 100 lbs. |
Settlement Coverage Reimbursement: | $60.00 |
It is important to note that no claim resolution will be honored until all charges for the moving services have been paid in full.
Option 1: Limited Liability Coverage has general conditions and limitations that apply to Option 1: Limited Liability Coverage. For a full list of limitations of liability, see below. You may also refer to Professional Terms and Conditions, Section 25.A-YY LIABILITY OF PROFESSIONAL MOVERS.COM – LIMITATIONS OF PROFESSIONAL MOVERS.COM LIABILITY.
TRANSIT VALUATION OPTION 2: Full Value Protection (Our most popular option)
This option is our most popular option, however, it is not included in your basic moving charges and therefore if you are seeking additional coverage beyond our standard default coverage, there is an additional charge to purchase this option. See the schedule of charges to table to see the cost for Option 2: Full Value Protection. This option is NOT an insurance policy.
This option provides coverage based on current replacement value at the time of loss or damage, “up to” the “Full Valuation Protection Policy Value” that you select from the Schedule of Charges Table for Option 2: Full Value Protection. The “Full Valuation Policy Value” selected must be at least $6 per pound times the actual or estimated weight of your shipment.
The moving industry follows a simple formula when determining the total amount of coverage.
1 pound = $6.00 of value
For example, if it is estimated that your shipment weighs 12,500 lbs. You would take 12,500 lbs. and multiply it by $6.00 to determine the Full Valuation Policy value you should select or declare. In this example 12,500 lbs. x $6.00 = $75,000.00. So, from the Schedule of Charges Table, you would select “$6.00 per pound up to $75,000” as your declared value.
Your estimate will include an inventory of items to be moved that was created during your initial pre-move survey. As part of the inventory, Professional will provide you with an estimated weight for your shipment.
The “up to” amount selected from the Schedule of Charges Table is the maximum you could receive in the case of a total loss. Regardless of the number of items lost or damages sustained, you would not receive more than $6.00 per pound or the “up to” amount selected. The value of any high-valued items must be included in the “up to” amount, not in addition to this amount.
There is an additional charge for Option 2: Full Value Protection based on the Full Valuation Protection Policy Value you select and the deductible you choose. See Schedule of Charges Table for Option 2: Full Value Protection for costs.
What Happens If Something is Lost or Damaged, and You Select Transit Valuation Option 2: Full Value Protection?
Under Option 2: Full Value Protection: If any article is lost, destroyed or damaged while in Professional custody, Professional will, at its discretion, offer to do one of the following for each item: repair the item, replace with a similar item, or make a cash settlement for the cost of the repair or the current market replacement value less any applicable deductible. (Be aware, the decision of the resolution is based on whichever cost is lower, if the lowest cost is to have the item repaired, it will always be repaired.)
For example, a customer purchased Option 2: Full Value Protection with a $300 deductible. During the move, a dresser that has a current market replacement cost of $1,000.00 was damaged. Professional maximum liability and resolution for the damaged dresser would be whichever cost is lower (the cost to repair the dresser less any applicable deductible or current market replacement value less any applicable deductible). Since the current market replacement cost was $1,000.00. And the out-of-pocket deductible the customer owes is $300.00, the current market Replacement Value less the deductible would be $700.00. However, the cost for Professional to hire a 3rd party furniture repair technician, less the $300.00 deductible would be $600.00 to repair the dresser. Therefore, Professional would elect to repair the dresser as the settlement.
Valuation Option Selected: | Option 2: Full Value Protection |
Damaged Item: | Dresser |
Current Market Replacement Value (less $300.00 deductible) | $700.00 |
Cost To Have Dresser Repaired by Furniture Repair Technician (less the $300.00 deductible): | $600.00 |
Settlement: | Dresser is Repaired |
No claim resolution will be honored until the charges for all services have been paid in full as well as any applicable deductible selected as part of the valuation plan. Option 2: Full Value Protection has general conditions and limitations that apply to Option 1: Full Value Protection. For a full list of limitations of liability, see Professional Terms and Conditions, Section 13. Limitations.
How Much Does Option 2: Full Value Protection Cost?
Transit Valuation Charge for Transit for Option 2 Full Value Protection: If a customer would like to select Option 2 Full Value Protection for Transit, the following one-time charges will apply based on the “up to” valuation amount and deductible selected.
Schedule of Charges for Option 2: Full Value Protection
Transit Valuation Charges
Full Valuation Protection Policy Value | No Deductible | $300 Deductible |
$6.00 per pound up to $25,000 | $225 | $138 |
$6.00 per pound up to $50,000 | $450 | $275 |
$6.00 per pound up to $75,000 | $675 | $413 |
$6.00 per pound up to $100,000 | $900 | $550 |
$6.00 per pound up to $150,000 | $1,350 | $825 |
When a customer declares their policy value for their belongings and the policy value amount falls between those amounts shown on the table, the charge for the next highest policy value amount applies. For example, if it is estimated that a customer’s goods weigh 4,000lbs. and the customer multiplies 4,000 lbs. times $6.00 to determine what their declared value should be, they will see that 4,000 lbs. x $6.00 = $24,000. So, the customer would select “$6.00 per pound up to $25,000” as the declared value since the next highest policy value would apply.
Option 2: Full Value Protection has general conditions and limitations that apply to Option 2: Full Value Protection. For a full list of limitations of liability, see below. You may also refer to Professional Terms and Conditions, Section 25.A-YY LIABILITY OF PROFESSIONAL MOVERS.COM – LIMITATIONS OF PROFESSIONAL MOVERS.COM LIABILITY.
Once I select a valuation option, does this mean that I’m fully covered and have nothing to worry about?
ABSOLUTELY NOT, there are situations where the valuation option plan you selected will have limitations and exclusions for certain situations. That is why it is important to familiarize yourself with all the limitations and exclusions to coverage in advance of your move. If you have a specific question, please feel free to contact your Moving Consultant. We list everything here because we want to provide full transparency, so if you have a question, just ask, we are happy to answer any specific question on how something might be handled in the event of an accident.
LIABILITY OF PROFESSIONAL MOVERS.COM – LIMITATIONS OF PROFESSIONAL MOVERS.COM LIABILITY & EXCLUSIONS TO COVERAGE: Below are limitations to Professional liability that specify that Professional liability for loss or
damage to household goods or general commodities shall be limited by the following limitations and exclusions, regardless of the valuation option chosen by the customer:
A. RESTRICTED ITEMS – CUSTOMER MUST REMOVE THESE ITEMS, TRANSPORT, AND MAINTAIN POSSESSION ON ALL SERVICE DATES: Professional is NOT liable and will NOT pack, move, transport, or provide storage for any of these types of property: Jewelry, watches, gemstones, precious stones, gold, silver, or platinum household articles (such as silverware, coffee-service sets, trays, candlesticks, and dishes), firearms, furs, ammunition, prescription medication, cash, coins, currency, credit cards, check books, debit cards, travelers checks, passports, birth certificates, social security cards, bank notes, bonds, stock certificates, securities, deeds, financial statements, tax returns, wills, medical records, employment records, passports, medical records, personal documents with social security number, family heirlooms, items of personal or sentimental nature (pictures, photographs, newspaper articles), laptops, tablets, data contained on flash drives, diskettes, hard drives, video tapes, cassettes, CDs, and high value collections such as but not limited to trading cards, comic books, and vinyl records. Professional will NOT be liable for loss or damage to any of the property listed above. This limitation applies to Valuation Option 1 or Option 2. The Customer MUST have all types of property that is identified above secured outside of the Customer’s home or office during packing and/or moving service dates and NOT available or accessible to Professional on date of service. The Customer MUST transport these items in the customer’s own personal vehicle and customer MUST maintain full control of these items.
B. THE NON-ALLOWABLES LIST OF PROHIBITED ITEMS THAT CAN NOT BE PACKED, TRANSPORTED, OR STORED BY PROFESSIONAL MOVERS.COM: Government regulations along with our safety cargo policy prevent Professional from transporting live plants or live animals, aerosols, bleach, batteries, fertilizer, fire extinguisher, paints, varnishes, solvents, thinners, oils, ammonia, bleach, household cleaning agents, chlorine granules/powder, muriatic acid / hydrochloric acid, auto batteries, gasoline, kerosene, matches, muriatic acid, nitric acid, nail polish, nail polish remover, pool chemicals, charcoal, oil, oil fluid, lighter fluid, fireworks, liquor, chemistry sets, pets, pressurized or toxic materials, firearms, ammunition, any type of gas in bottles or tanks including propane, helium, or oxygen tanks, or any other hazardous material or combustible product. Customer must make sure to not pack any item from the non-allowable list into a moving box where such a moving box is anywhere at the origin at time of loading. Professional will NOT be liable for loss or damage to any customer property where cause of loss or damage is determined that an item on the non-allowable list was transported and determined to be a contributing factor to the loss or damage of customer property. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection. Professional can transport lawn equipment that operates using gasoline and oil as long as the customer has completely drained all gasoline and oil prior to move day.
C. ITEMS OF EXTRAORDINARY VALUE: Articles of extraordinary or unusual nature or value are defined as an item having value in excess of $100 per pound. The term “articles of extraordinary value” refers to those articles tendered to Professional for transportation which because of uniqueness or rarity have a value substantially in excess of the cost of newly manufactured items of substantially the same type and quality apart from such uniqueness of rarity, such as, but not limited to, laptop computer, musical instruments of rare quality or historical significance; original manuscripts, first editions or autograph copies of books or cards, antique furniture, china, crystal, figurines, oriental rugs, tapestries, rare or collectible items, heirlooms, paintings, sculptures, and other works of art; and hobby collections and exhibits. In accordance with insurance guidelines, failure to disclose items of extraordinary value will result in limited liability.

C. ITEMS OF EXTRAORDINARY VALUE: Articles of extraordinary or unusual nature or value are defined as an item having value in excess of $100 per pound. The term “articles of extraordinary value” refers to those articles tendered to Professional for transportation which because of uniqueness or rarity have a value substantially in excess of the cost of newly manufactured items of substantially the same type and quality apart from such uniqueness of rarity, such as, but not limited to, laptop computer, musical instruments of rare quality or historical significance; original manuscripts, first editions or autograph copies of books or cards, antique furniture, china, crystal, figurines, oriental rugs, tapestries, rare or collectible items, heirlooms, paintings, sculptures, and other works of art; and hobby collections and exhibits. In accordance with insurance guidelines, failure to disclose items of extraordinary value will result in limited liability.
Any item in a customer’s shipment that can be identified as having extraordinary value must be specifically identified by the customer at time of estimate during the pre-move survey and again on the date of service, prior to the start of service. No liability shall be provided for loss or damage to articles of extraordinary value except under circumstances where each such article is specifically listed on the Items of Extraordinary Value Inventory Form on the Professional Bill of Lading / Contract for Moving Services. Each article must be specifically designated as an article of extraordinary value and listed. If items are not specifically listed, the customer expressly understands and agrees that Professional liability for loss and or damage to those items will be limited to no more than $100 per pound per article (based on the actual weight).
By the customer listing such an article on the Items of Extraordinary Value Inventory Form on the Professional Bill of Lading / Contract for Moving Services, Professional is afforded the opportunity prior to pickup of the shipment to inspect the pre-move conditions of each article and must be packed by Professional for control, receipt, and liability. Professional reserves the right to pack and otherwise provide adequate protection for each article (at Professional published charges). If the customer has already packed an article and the packing by customer is determined by Professional to be inadequate protection for such an article, Professional reserves the right to repack and otherwise provide adequate protection for such articles (at Professional published charges).
Customers are required to have these articles unpacked at time of delivery and acknowledge receipt and condition at the time of delivery. Declaration of high value items does not provide coverage during your relocation. Professional liability is determined by the valuation option the customer selects on the Bill of Lading / Contract for Moving Services. Customer/authorized representative agrees that any claim for loss or damage must be supported by proof of value. Customer understands the settlement of items of extraordinary value will be based on the information furnished and/or the value of said property as determined at the time of loss based on today’s actual cash value.
Should loss or irreparable damage occur to one or more pieces of a matching set, Professional is responsible for only the one item, not the entire set. Should loss or irreparable damage occur to an item listed on the Declaration of Items of Extraordinary Value, the customer is required to make notation of loss or damage at the time of delivery. In the event no appraisals are available, the burden of proof will be upon the owner of the goods to provide proof of value. If the final destination of the shipment is at a warehouse other than a Professional warehouse then coverage shall cease at the time of delivery to the “foreign” warehouse, with any and all claims subject only to those items listed at the time of delivery to the “foreign” warehouse. Any claims must be submitted to Professional in writing with supporting documents of repair or (if required) proof of value. Under any circumstances, Professional is only obligated to restore the item to the original condition when it was originally tendered to transportation. To effect further repairs would be known as betterment, and is not allowable.
D. BOXES PACKED BY CUSTOMER / PACKED BY OWNER (PBO): Regardless of the Valuation Option chosen, Professional is not liable for contents of any boxes packed by the owner (PBO), or for loss, damage or breakage unless there is clear external damage to the carton or box and the external damage is proven to be a direct result of the mishandling of the box or carton by Professional Professional cannot be held liable for concealed damage to items within a box, carton, trunk, or other casing without physical damage to the exterior of the package. Any external damage must be identified and noted on the Bill of Lading / Contract for Moving Services at the time of delivery. The contents and conditions of contents within PBO containers is unknown to Professional Professional will not be liable for items missing from customer packed boxes (PBO). Claims for missing items will not be honored unless the shortage has been noted on the inventories at the time of delivery. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
E. CUSTOMER MUST MAKE SURE ALL BOXES ARE SEALED OR TAPED CLOSED: Customer is responsible to have all boxes and cartons completely sealed. This prevents items from falling out, getting damaged, or lost during handling. It also ensures boxes can be stacked safely inside the moving truck. Remember, no open top boxes can be moved or loaded on Professional trucks. Any open top boxes or boxes without closed lids will not be moved on move day and will be left at the customer’s origin for the customer to transport in their own vehicle. In the event an open top box is moved or transported by Professional on the customer’s service date, Professional is not liable for the loss, damage, or breakage of any contents of open top boxes, regardless of the Valuation Option chosen. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.

F. PREPARATION FOR WINTER MOVING: Customer to clear driveway and walkway of all snow and ice. Driveways and pathways must be shoveled and treated with salt or ice melt application. All pathways from entrances from home or office to the driveway must be cleared of snow and ice with a minimum width of 36” to allow the team to carry furniture. If a customer is requesting any items from the backyard to be moved, a pathway to the area the items are located should be free of snow and all items to be moved should be cleared of snow. In the event that a Professional team member slips while moving due to the pathway not being cleared and safe, Professional will not be liable for any damages that occur from unsafe moving conditions. Professional reserves the right to stop working until the pathway and driveway are made safe by the customer. This limitation applies to Valuation Option 1: Limited Value Protection or Option 2: Full Value Protection.
G. LAMPSHADES: Professional does not guarantee the safety of Lampshades during handling or transportation. Due to their brittleness, inherent fragile nature, and their sensitivity to tear, soil, or become mis-shaped during handling and transport, Professional will not be liable for the damage or breakage, soiling, staining, or tearing of a customer’s lamp shade. The Customer is advised and responsible to handle and transport lamp shade in their own vehicle. Requesting Professional to handle, move, and transport lampshade relieves Professional of any liability for any damage that occurs during the handling, moving, and transportation of your lampshade. If Professional is requested to move lampshade by a customer, it must be in a box prior to transporting, however even inside a box, Professional cannot accept liability. This limitation applies to Valuation Option 1: Limited Value Protection or Option 2: Full Value Protection

H. STANDING FLOOR LAMPS: Professional does not guarantee the safety of standing floor lamps during handling and transportation. Due to the inherent fragile nature of a standing floor lamp, specifically, the inherent weakness of where the pole attaches to the base of a standing floor lamp, Professional will not be liable for the damage or breakage of any standing floor lamp. The Customer is advised and responsible to handle and transport any standing floor lamp in their own vehicle. Requesting Professional to handle, move, and transport a standing floor lamp relieves Professional of any liability for any damage that occurs during the handling, moving, and transportation of the standing floor lamp. This limitation applies to Valuation Option 1: Limited Value Protection or Option 2: Full Value Protection.
I. TABLE LAMPS: Any table lamp must be packed into a box prior to Professional arrival on service day. Unless a customer’s Moving Estimate / Order for Service states in writing that Professional is packing any table lamp into a box, it is expected that the customer is responsible to pack any table lamp into a box. No table lamp can be handled or transported by Professional without being packed into a moving box. Professional does not actively stock available table lamp boxes on moving trucks for packing. If any table lamp is unboxed and Professional has an available lamp box and bubble wrap for packing, Professional reserves the right to pack the table lamp into a box at Professional published charges. As an alternative option, if Professional does not have an available table lamp box for packing, Customer is advised to place any unboxed table lamp into the customer’s own vehicle. Professional is not liable for the loss, damage, or breakage of any table lamp that is not packed inside a box by Professional, regardless of the Valuation Option chosen. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.

J. WRINKLED, SOILED, AND CREASED CLOTHING, TIES, LINENS, DRAPES AND CREASED, SCUFFED, SOILED, OR MIS-SHAPED SHOES OR PURSES: Professional is not liable for wrinkled, soiled, and creased clothing, ties, linens, drapes, or rugs or creased, scuffed, or misshaped shoes or purses caused from handling, packing, moving, transporting, or stacking. This limitation applies to Valuation Option 1: Limited Value Protection or Option 2: Full Value Protection.

K. THE CONTENTS OF ALL DRESSERS, DESKS, LATERAL FILING CABINETS, NIGHT STANDS, CABINETS, ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS AND BOOKSHELVES MUST BE EMPTY: All dressers, desks, lateral filing cabinets, night stands, cabinets, entertainment centers, and bookshelves MUST BE COMPLETELY EMPTY prior to the arrival of Professional on move day. Customer is responsible to have ALL CONTENTS REMOVED from furniture listed above. Moving furniture that is full of contents will cause unnecessary stress and could cause cracking or the furniture to break apart while moving or possible drawer malfunction after moving. Eliminating any additional weight by removing all contents before moving will make the furniture easier to maneuver and keep it at less risk of damage during moving and transportation. In order for Professional to move items out of and into rooms, it is possible items will be placed on their sides, slid around tight corners, turned upside down, and carried up or down flights of stairs. The elimination of all contents will help protect customer home or office walls, floors, and doorways since the furniture is easier to move.
In the event Professional arrives on move day and any of the identified furniture has contents inside, the customer will be presented with 4 options: Option 1: The customer can empty the contents of drawers and either leave the contents behind or pack them into boxes for the movers. Option 2: The move team will remove the loaded drawers from the furniture and move the furniture without the drawers. The loaded drawers would remain at the origin or movers can place the loaded drawers in the customers vehicle. Option 3: Professional can pack the drawers for an additional cost of packing materials and any time needed to perform packing services. Option 4: The furniture with contents can be left behind at the origin and not moved. Professional is not liable for the loss, damage, or breakage of any contents left inside dressers, desks, lateral filing cabinets, night stands, cabinets, entertainment centers, and bookshelves, regardless of the Valuation Option chosen. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
L. ALL ELECTRONIC AND MECHANICAL DEVICES ARE MOVED AS MECHANICAL CONDITION UNKNOWN: All electronic and mechanical devices are moved as mechanical condition unknown (MCU). No liability shall be provided for the mechanical or electrical derangements of flat screen TVs, arcade machines, air hockey tables, hot tubs, audio / visual equipment, grandfather clocks, pianos, radios, phonographs, clocks, computers, treadmills, ellipticals, exercise bikes, peloton equipment, refrigerators, TVs, washers, dryers, freezers, mechanical beds, generators, lawn equipment, sewing machines, medical devices such as ultrasound equipment or other equipment found throughout home, office, or medical environment, or other instruments or appliances unless item in question is evidenced to contain external damage to the carton or item where external damage was proven to be caused by Professional
The transportation and movement of mechanical and electronic devices is subject to inherent vice or a hidden defect of an article which itself is the cause of (or contributes to) its deterioration or damage. Over the course of the move, mechanical and electronic items may be lifted, hoisted, turned on their sides, or upside down to be moved out of or into a space. In addition, during moving and transportation of the mechanical or electronic items, hidden internal parts like motherboards, wiring, fuses, etc. are subject to the possibility of derangement through the natural vibration that occurs through moving and transportation.
Professional assumes no liability whatsoever for loss of data, hidden malfunctions, recalibration or tuning, or internal disconnection of electrical or mechanical components unless external damages to the carton or item are proven to be a direct result of the mishandling of the item by Professional and the external damage is identified and noted on the Bill of Lading / Contract for Moving Services at the time of delivery. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
M. PARTICLE BOARD FURNITURE: Professional does not guarantee the structural integrity or transportation of particle board furniture. Manufacturers of this type of furniture suggest these items should not be moved once they are assembled. They are made to be assembled just once and are not made to withstand assembled handling or transportation while assembled. Professional is not liable for any damage due to the inherent weakness of particle board furniture. (Pressboard, Particle Board, or Engineered Wood Furniture is designed to go into a box from the manufacturer to the retailer and then to the end user unassembled. It is not constructed to withstand the normal stress of a move as an assembled unit.) All drawers of pressed wood or particle board furniture must be completely empty. Professional will do our best to transport Press Board / Particle Board furniture for the customer in a safe and careful manner, but because Pressed Board / Particle Board furniture is so unstable, Professional is unable to offer increased cargo valuation of Option 2: Full Value Protection on these items. If damage does occur, the customer will be able to submit a claim only for the basic cargo valuation coverage of Option 1: Limited Value Protection of $.60 cents per pound per article.)
N. CURVED SCREEN TV, FLAT SCREEN TV, DLP, DIRECT-VIEW, LED, LCD, OLED, QLED, OR PLASMA TVs: Professional requires that all curved screen tv, flat screen tv, DLP, direct-view, LED, LCD, OLED, QLED, or plasma TVs MUST be packed inside the original packaging and box or it must be packed inside a rental TV Box provided by Professional Rental TV Box can be provided on the day of the move for a rental charge, but must be reserved in advance of move day and returned the same day of move. All curved screen tv, flat screen tv, DLP, direct-view, LED, LCD, OLED, QLED, or plasma TVs are moved as mechanical condition unknown. Professional will not be liable for any curved screen tv, flat screen tv, DLP, direct-view, LED, LCD, OLED, QLED, or plasma TVs that does not work properly or turn on upon delivery. Professional assumes no liability whatsoever for operational function, loss of data, hidden malfunctions, recalibration or tuning, or internal disconnection of electrical or mechanical components unless external damage to the TV are visible, clear, and obvious and are proven to be a direct result of the mishandling of the TV by Professional The external damage must be identified and noted on the Bill of Lading / Contract for Moving Services at the time of delivery. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
O. CUSTOMER PREPARATION FOR LAWN EQUIPMENT & BBQ GRILLS: Professional requires customer to have all gasoline, oil, and any flammable liquids drained and removed before the service date from all lawn mowers, chainsaws, generators, leaf blowers, pressure washers, tillers and cultivators, weed whackers, snow blowers, and any other item that operates using gasoline, oil, or any other flammable liquids. Customer must also remove propane tanks from any BBQ Grill, patio heater, or fire pit prior to service date. Customer would be responsible for transporting the propane tank in their own vehicle. Failure to remove gasoline, oil, and any other flammable liquid from equipment or failure to remove any propane tank from BBQ grill or heaters will result in Professional leaving these items and not moving them. In the event that the items are unknowingly moved by Professional containing gasoline, oil, flammable liquids, or propane and it is determined that gasoline, oil, flammable liquids, or propane where a contributing factor for any damage or loss caused, Professional will not be liable for any loss or damage in the shipment. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
P. MEMORY FOAM MATTRESSES: Due to manufacturer’s statements, memory foam mattresses have a high probability of foam shifting internally during the moving process. If this occurs, the mattress may not be repairable. Due to this fact, Professional is not responsible or liable for internal damages to memory foam mattresses caused from the normal course of moving. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
Q. HOT TUB OR SPA: Customer is responsible to ensure the hot tub is completely drained of water and disconnected of all power sources before Professional arrives. Professional will NOT drain, disconnect, or connect any electrical. Customers must make sure all items on top and/or around the hot tub must be removed before the move team arrives. This includes any obstructions such as handrails or railing on deck, gazebos, patio furniture, fencing, landscaping, planters, BBQ Grills, etc. Professional is not liable for internal electronic or mechanical derangement of the hot tub, before, during, or after the hot tub is moved. This Includes the loss of any functionality and working order of the hot tub electronic or mechanical parts including but not limited to the controls, control panel, hydro-jets, pump, heater unit, lights, plumbing, valves, ozonator, or air blower. All electronic and mechanical components of the hot tub are moved as mechanical conditions unknown (MCU). Customer accepts that any post move mechanical or electrical service needed for the hot tub to work is the sole responsibility of the customer to pay for and NOT Professional It is expected that moving any hot tub will result in the hot tub having some conditional rub marks, scratches, dents on the spa shell, staves, or exterior cabinet walls as a result of moving, sliding, lifting, dollying, and transporting the hot tub. Professional is not liable for normal conditional rub marks, scratches, dents on the spa shell, staves, or exterior cabinet walls as a result of moving, sliding, lifting, dollying, and transporting the hot tub. For this reason, Hot tubs are only moved under Option 1: Limited Value Protection: This means that the hot tub is covered for the minimum agreed value of $0.60 per pound per article. Option 2: Full Value Protection is NOT available for hot tub moving services.
R. GLASS, GRANITE, MARBLE, CORIAN, CONCRETE, SOAPSTONE, OR QUARTZ: Glass, Granite, Marble, Corian, Concrete, Soapstone, and Quartz are not covered under Professional liability due to fragility, sharp edges, variations in hairline cracks, veining, fissures, and pitting. Customer is responsible to hire a 3rd party service provider to professionally crate any Glass, Granite, Marble, Corian, Concrete, Soapstone, Quartz. Requesting Professional to handle, move, and transport any Glass, Granite, Marble, Corian, Concrete, Soapstone, or Quartz that is not crated will relieve Professional of any liability for any damage that occurs during the handling, moving, transportation, of customer’s Glass, Granite, Marble, Corian, Concrete, Soapstone, or Quartz. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection. In the event the customer hires a 3rd party service to crate Glass, Granite, Marble, Corian, Concrete, soapstone, and Quartz, Professional will not be liable for any damage unless external damages to the crate are proven to be a direct result of the mishandling of the crate by Professional and the external damage is identified and noted on the Bill of Lading / Contract for Moving Services at the time of delivery. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
S. MIRRORED SURFACE FURNITURE: Professional accepts no liability for the handling, moving, or transportation of mirrored surface furniture. Mirrored surface furniture has several stress points that can crack during handling and transportation. Customers are advised and responsible to hire a 3rd party service provider to professionally crate mirrored surface furniture. Requesting Professional to handle, move, and transport mirrored furniture without being crated, will relieve Professional of any liability for any damage that occurs during the handling, moving, transportation, of mirrored surface furniture. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection. In the event the customer hires a 3rd party service to crate mirrored surface furniture, Professional will not be liable for any damage unless external damages to the crate are proven to be a direct result of the mishandling of the crate by Professional and the external damage is identified and noted on the Bill of Lading / Contract for Moving Services at the time of delivery. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
T. CUSTOMER MUST DISASSEMBLE AND ASSEMBLE ANY CRIBS, BUNK BEDS, TRAMPOLINES, EXERCISE EQUIPMENT, PLAY STRUCTURES, SLEEP NUMBER BEDS, AND SWING SETS OR HIRE A THIRD PARTY TO PERFORM THIS WORK: All baby cribs, bunk beds, trampolines, exercise equipment, play structures, and swing sets must be disassembled and assembled by the customer or third-party service hired directly by the customer. Professional will NOT disassemble or assemble any baby cribs, bunk beds, trampolines, exercise equipment, play structures, or swing sets. Professional accepts no liability and does not provide any liability coverage for disassembly or assembly. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
U. CUSTOMER MUST DISCONNECT AND CONNECT ANY WATER, GAS, AND ELECTRICAL OR HIRE A THIRD PARTY TO PERFORM THIS WORK: Any water, gas, and electrical lines MUST be disconnected and connected by the customer or third-party service hired directly by the customer. Professional is NOT liable for any gas, water, or electrical and will NOT disconnect or connect any gas, water, or electrical. This especially applies to any water, gas, or electrical lines for any appliance. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
V. DISCONNECTION AND CONNECTION OF CABLES, WIRES, AND ELECTRICAL CORDS FOR ALL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT: Customer is responsible to disconnect and connect all cables, wires, and electrical cords, for all computers, monitors, printers, TVs, audio and video equipment, hard drives, sound system, sound bar, video gaming system, surround sound, subwoofer, receiver, Blu-ray player, cable box, Roku, apple tv, and amazon fire stick. These devices along with the cables, wires, electrical cords, and any remotes should be disconnected and packed into boxes or rental crates. Unless the customer’s estimate states in writing that Professional is packing these items, it is expected that the customer is responsible to pack these items into boxes. Professional is NOT liable for disconnection and connection from any cables, wires, and electrical cords for all electronic equipment and assumes no liability whatsoever for loss of data, hidden malfunctions, recalibration or tuning, internal disconnection of electrical or mechanical components or cable, wire, or cord mismanagement. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
W. TREADMILL RESTRICTIONS & PREPARATION: First, Professional will NOT move any Peloton treadmill. This particular brand is excluded from types of treadmills Professional will move. If a customer has a Peloton treadmill, the customer should hire a third-party company to move the Peloton treadmill. For any other brand of treadmill, the electrical display controls and the handrail arms of treadmills must be disconnected and connected by the customer or a third-party service provider hired directly by the customer. Professional will not take apart or assemble any treadmill. Professional is not liable for internal electronic or mechanical derangement of the treadmill, before, during, or after the treadmill is moved. This Includes the loss of any functionality and working order of the treadmill electronic or mechanical parts including but not limited to the controls, control panel, display, touch screen, running deck, motor, cushioning system, heart sensors, emergency stop, lights, power knob, running belt, drive system, and pulse sensor. All electronic and mechanical components of the treadmill are moved as mechanical conditions unknown (MCU). Customer accepts that any post move mechanical or electrical service needed for the treadmill to work is the sole responsibility of the customer to pay for and NOT Professional This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
X. RESTRICTIONS ON SAFES: Professional will move any safe up to the maximum weight of 250lbs. when it is located on the 1st floor. If the weight of a safe is greater than 250lbs. or if the safe is located in the basement or upper level where a staircase is needed, Professional will not move or transport the safe and it will be up to the customer to secure a 3rd party service provider to move the safe. To verify the weight of a safe, the customer is responsible to provide the Moving Consultant of the make and model of the safe prior to securing a move date. In an instance where make and model are unavailable, the safe will be categorized above 250lb. and Professional will not move it. All safes must be completely empty and not contain any contents. Any safe that requires floor mounting must be unattached and mounted by the customer or a 3rd party service provider.
Y. RESTRICTIONS ON ANY PIANO: Professional will not move any piano up or down any staircase. If a customer requests a piano to be moved up or down any staircase, the customer is responsible to secure and hire a 3rd party service provider to perform this service. All pianos must be professionally tuned after any move. Professional is not liable for any costs associated with tuning services that are needed after a move. This limitation applies to Valuation Option 1: Limited Value Protection or Option 2: Full Value Protection.
Z. TUNING AND CALIBRATION OF INSTRUMENTS, CLOCKS, & LAB EQUIPMENT: All pianos must be professionally tuned after any move. All grandfather clocks and lab equipment must be professionally recalibrated after a move. Professional is not liable for any costs associated with tuning services or recalibration services that are needed after a move.
Professional does not perform piano tuning or grandfather clock or lab equipment recalibration. Any costs associated with tuning or recalibration are the responsibility of the customer and NOT Professional It is recommended that pianos are professionally tuned by a 3rd party service after transportation. It is recommended that grandfather clocks and lab equipment are professionally recalibrated by a 3rd party service after transportation. This limitation applies to Valuation Option 1: Limited Value Protection or Option 2: Full Value Protection.
AA. SLEEP NUMBER BED: Professional is NOT liable for the working mechanical condition of a sleep number bed. Customer responsible to disconnect and connect Sleep Number Bed or hire a 3rd party service provider to disconnect and reconnect. Requesting Professional to disconnect and connect Sleep Number Bed relieves Professional of any liability for any damage that occurs during the disconnection, handling, moving, transportation, and connection of your Sleep Number Bed. This limitation applies to Valuation Option 1: Limited Value Protection or Option 2: Full Value Protection. BB. THIRD PARTY SERVICES: Professional will not be liable for the loss, damage or breakage of Customer’s property caused by the services provided by a 3rd party service provider hired by the customer. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
BB. THIRD PARTY SERVICES: Professional will not be liable for the loss, damage or breakage of Customer’s property caused by the services provided by a 3rd party service provider hired by the customer. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
CC. LIVE PLANTS: Professional will NOT accept liability for any live plants. Live plants should be transported in a customer’s vehicle only. In the event Professional moves a live plant for the customer, Professional will be relieved of any and all liability. This limitation applies to Valuation Option 1: Limited Value Protection or Option 2: Full Value Protection.
DD. AQUARIUMS / FISH TANKS: Professional will NOT accept liability for any aquariums or fish tanks. Due to their inherent fragile nature, aquariums and fish tanks should be transported in a customer’s vehicle only. In the event Professional moves an aquarium or fish tank, it must be empty of water, and also empty of creatures such as lizards, turtles and snakes and Professional will be relieved of any and all liability. This limitation applies to Valuation Option 1: Limited Value Protection or Option 2: Full Value Protection.
EE. PAIRS AND SETS OF ITEMS: If an item that is part of a pair or set is lost or damaged, Professional will only be liable to repair or replace the item that has actually been lost or damaged. Professional is not liable to repair or replace the remaining undamaged items. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
FF. PRE-EXISTING DAMAGES DISCOVERED: Professional is not liable for any valuation claims or damages filed by the customer for already broken or damaged items that were picked up in their broken and damaged condition at the pickup location.
Professional reserves the right to photograph and state the damaged and broken items on the bill of lading at the pickup and drop off location. The customer must acknowledge and sign next to these items that they were already damaged and broken prior to Professional moving the items. The customer suspends Professional from being liable for any claims for these specific damaged items during the performance of the moving & storage services. If the customer refuses to sign their bill of lading Professional cannot perform the moving services and refund the customer.
GG. INCLEMENT WEATHER DAMAGE: In the case of inclement weather where Professional deems the weather to create unsafe working conditions, Professional reserves the right to reschedule the move at an agreed upon time, without liability. If Professional deems the inclement weather as safe enough to continue work, Customer will have two options:
Inclement Weather Option (1): Customers can approve Professional to continue working during the inclement weather of rain, snow, or ice. By allowing Professional to continue working, the customer accepts and relieves Professional of any liability for any damage to customer property that could be caused by inclement weather during the loading or unloading of your property.
Inclement Weather Option (2): Customer can approve Professional will pause work until conditions have improved, but the Customer will continue to be charged for the time that the Professional team is present. If it is raining or snowing on
the service date and customer allows Professional to continue working during the inclement weather, Professional will take all possible care to protect the customer’s property, but Professional will NOT accept liability for property damaged by inclement weather that occurs during the loading or unloading of your property.
This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
HH. MATTRESS BAGS REQUIRED FOR ALL MATTRESSES AND BOXSPRINGS: All mattresses and box springs must be bagged prior to any mattress or box spring being moved and loaded onto the moving truck. Professional can place mattresses and box springs into the mattress bags on move date. Customers can secure and provide their own mattress bags to Professional or customers can purchase mattress bags directly from Professional In the event that a customer refuses to have any mattress bagged, Professional is not liable to repair or replace any mattress that was not in a mattress bag. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
II. PACKED BAGS MUST CONTAIN SOFT GOODS ONLY: Customers may pack bags in addition to boxes, however bags must only contain soft goods such as linens, towels, pillows, comforters, and blankets. It is recommended clothing be boxed or placed in wardrobe boxes. Bags must not include any glass, kitchenware, pots, or pans. Professional is not liable to repair or replace any bag packed by customers. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
JJ. STRIPPED HARDWARE OR STRIPPED HOLES IN FURNITURE: Professional is not liable for the condition of stripped hardware or stripped furniture holes discovered during disassembly or assembly of furniture. In the event that stripped hardware or
stripped holes on the furniture are discovered at time of disassembly or assembly, Professional will notify the customer, but will not be liable for replacement hardware or repair to stripped holes, or furniture. In certain situations, stripped hardware beyond the ability to remove hardware or secure hardware may mean furniture must be left in place assembled or not assembled. In this situation, Professional is not liable for any costs associated with customers having stripped hardware removed or furniture moved. This limitation applies to Valuation Option 1: Limited Value Protection or Option 2: Full Value Protection.
KK. SECURE SHIPPING BOLTS FOR FRONT LOAD WASHER: Per manufacturer recommendations, all front load washers require shipping bolts be reinstalled for transport of the washer. Customer is responsible to provide Professional with the original shipping bolts or replacement shipping bolts on move day. Professional can provide shipping bolts at an additional charge if the customer provides advanced notice and parts are available through Customers must provide Moving Consultant with the make and model number for the washer via email or text to 248-926-9999. It is the responsibility of the customer to install the shipping bolts on move day. Asking Professional to install shipping bolt waives Professional liability for the loss or damage caused by installation of shipping bolts. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
LL. RELEASE OF LIABILITY FORM: It is possible that the act of moving an item into or out of a space could cause possible damage to the item or premises. An example of this is when a customer may ask for a large and awkwardly shaped piece of furniture to be carried up or down a tight staircase where it is impossible for the item to be moved without the item rubbing up against the wall and causing damage to the wall or the item. If this situation or a similar situation arises, Professional will explain to the customer the risks associated with moving the item and if the customer would like the movers to proceed, the customer will be presented a “Release of Liability Waiver Form” to sign. The waiver form and customer signature will verify that the customer has been explained the risk associated in moving the item and the customer accepts responsibility for any ensuing damage. Professional will not attempt to bring Customer’s items to their desired location unless the release of liability has been signed. The signed Release of Liability Form will release Professional and all of its employees from liability associated with the act of performing the specific request identified as high risk of possible damage. The customer will assume all liability for any damages that may occur. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
MM. CONTRACT LOADING SERVICES OR UNLOADING SERVICES OF CUSTOMER’S VEHICLE OR TRAILER, RENTAL TRUCK, OR 3RD PARTY STORAGE CONTAINER: If Professional is hired by customer to provide labor only to load or unload a customer’s vehicle or trailer, rental truck, or 3rd party storage container, Professional will only be liable for external damage that is proven to be a direct result of the mishandling of the item by Professional while loading or unloading the customer’s
vehicle or trailer, rental truck, or 3rd party storage container. Professional will NOT be liable for any loss, damage, or shortage that occurs due to transportation. Any external damage that occurs during loading must be identified and noted on the Bill of Lading / Contract for Moving Services on the date of service and BEFORE the customer’s vehicle or trailer, rental truck, or 3rd party storage container is moved to a different location by customer or 3rd party container company. Professional is not responsible for customer’s goods during transportation of customer’s vehicle or trailer, rental truck, or 3rd party storage container.
In all situations where loading services are being provided into a customer’s vehicle or trailer, rental truck, or 3rd party storage container, Professional will not be liable for any loss, damage, or shortage that is discovered when the shipment is ultimately unloaded. Professional is not responsible for ensuring the items loaded into customer’s vehicle or trailer, rental truck, or 3rd party storage container are secure for transportation. It is the responsibility of the customer to secure any items loaded inside the customer’s vehicle, trailer, rental truck, or 3rd party storage container. It is also the responsibility of the
customer to provide the necessary protective equipment for loading. This includes, but is not limited to, moving blankets, straps or tie-downs, and protective cardboard. Professional recommends that anytime items are loaded into a customer’s vehicle
or trailer, rental truck, or 3rd party storage container, the inside of the customer’s vehicle or trailer, rental truck, or 3rd party storage container should be inspected regularly by the customer during the transportation to ensure items have not shifted.
Professional will only provide a valuation of $0.60 per pound per article for contract loading services or unloading services of customer’s vehicle or trailer, rental truck, or 3rd party storage container. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION
NN. PROFESSIONAL MOVERS.COM STORAGE TRAILER OR MOVING TRUCK STORAGE: In situations where Professional will provide a storage trailer or moving truck to store a customer’s goods, Professional will only be liable for loss or damage to property resulting from Professional negligence while the customer’s property is being loaded into or unloaded from the storage trailer or moving truck or while the trailer or moving truck is being transported. The maximum amount of such liability is $0.60 per pound per article. However, Professional will NOT be liable for any loss or damage resulting
from water, heat, humidity, weather, atmospheric conditions, or the actions of insects or animals while customer’s property is stored inside the storage trailer or moving truck. Professional will not assume any liability for loss or damage to property while in the storage trailer or moving truck once it has been locked and stored on the Customer’s property or Professional property. Nor will Professional be liable for loss or damage resulting from the Customer’s access to the stored property during the storage period wherever the storage trailer or moving truck is located. Option 2: Full Value Protection is NOT available for Trailer Storage or storage inside a moving truck.
OO. PETS ON MOVING DAY: Professional does NOT move pets of any kind. The best way to ensure the physical and emotional safety of a customer’s pet during the move is to secure them at a neighbor or friend’s home, or in a professional kennel. In the event a customer cannot secure someone to watch your pet on move day, do some planning in advance to create a safe space where your pet can stay during the move. Identify a room with a door that can be closed and keep your pet inside that room with the bed, plenty of food, water, and toys. Place a large sign on the outside of the door that says “Pet Inside, Do Not Open Door”. This will
remind the movers to keep this door closed during the move. It will also be important to let the move team know at the beginning of the day that you have a pet and show them the room the pet is located during the move so they will have heightened awareness as they are moving. Professional assumes no responsibility or liability in the safety of customer pets on service date. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
PP. CHILDREN / KIDS ON MOVING DAY: We recognize that the moving process fascinates children, but for their own safety, customers are advised that kids stay with family or friends on moving day if possible. This will keep the kids clear and safe of our moving trucks as we back them in and out of your property. In addition, children will naturally be curious during the move, especially when they see their boxes of toys being moved. This can lead to them following the movers or asking questions. The move team will be lifting heavy furniture, carrying items up and down staircases, around corners, and coming in and out of your home regularly. As the movers are working efficiently, a curious or unaware child can get caught up in the pathway of the movers. By coordinating your children to stay with family or friends, customers will not have to worry about them accidentally finding themselves in a spot where they might get injured during the move.
In the event you are unable to secure family or friends to watch the kids on move day or you prefer to have them present, customers must be prepared to supervise kids carefully to ensure their safety during an often-frenzied day. Try to set-up a safe space for them where they will be out of the way of any moving. Highly recommend that they not be near any staircases or any of the high traffic areas movers will be moving. This would include the front doorways, the driveway, the front porch or anywhere heavy bulky furniture is being moved. Make sure that they are never outside near the moving trucks. Kids must be with customers at all times and under the direct supervision of the customer. It will also be important to let the move team know at the beginning of the day that children are present during the move so they will have heightened awareness as they are moving.
Professional assumes no responsibility or liability in the safety of children or kids on service date. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
QQ. NO BUILDING-FIRE-WATCHMAN AT STORAGE WAREHOUSE: Professional does not represent or warrant that its storage warehouse located at 1270 North Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake, MI 48390 is fireproof or that the contents of said buildings including any customer property cannot be destroyed by fire. Professional shall not be required to maintain a watchman, and its failure to do so shall not constitute negligence. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
RR. RELEASE OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL DAMAGE TO RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: Customer will release liability of Professional in regards to the damage of real property such as floors, walls, ceilings, landscaping, driveways, walkways, etc. Professional cannot be held liable or negligent for any damage to the interior or exterior of any residence. This is known as incidental damage and is supported by Federal guidelines that the customer should take reasonable precautions with their floors, walls, driveways to prevent incidental damage by the movers. It is the responsibility of the customer, not Professional, to take all necessary and prudent precautions to protect any driveway, flooring or walls that they feel may sustain damage in the ordinary course of a move.
SS. HIGHWAY OBSTRUCTION: Except in the case of negligence Professional shall not be liable for delay caused by highway obstruction, faulty or impassable highway, lack of capacity of any highway, bridge, ferry, or caused by breakdown or mechanical defect of vehicles or equipment.
TT. DELAY FROM STORAGE IN TRANSIT: Except in the case of negligence of Professional shall not be liable for loss, damage, or delay occurring while the customer’s property is stopped and held or stored in transit upon the request of the customer or party entitled to make such a request was made before or after Professional comes into possession of the property.
UU. QUARANTINE OF PROPERTY: In case of quarantine, the property may be discharged at the risk and expense of the customer into quarantine depot or elsewhere, as required by quarantine regulations, or authorities, and in such case, Professional responsibility shall cease when the property is so discharged or property may be returned by Professional at customer’s expense to shipping points earning charges both ways. Quarantine expenses of whatever nature or kind upon or in respect to property shall be borne by the customer / owners of the property or be a lien thereon. Professional shall not be liable for loss or damage occasioned by fumigation or disinfection or other acts done or required by quarantine regulations or authorities even though the same may have been done by Professional’s officers, agents, or employees, nor for detention, loss, or damage of any kind occasioned by quarantine or the enforcement thereof. Professional shall be liable except in case of negligence for any mistake or inaccuracy in any information furnished by Professional, its agents, or officers, as to quarantine laws or regulations. The customer shall hold the Professional harmless from any expense they may incur, or damages they may be required to pay by reason of the introduction of the property covered by this contract into any place against the quarantine laws or regulations in effect at such price.
VV. LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY DAMAGES AND PERSONAL INJURY DAMAGES: Liability for property damage, personal injury, disability, and death of workers and other persons caused by the operation, handling, or transportation of the any rental equipment provided by Professional / Rental Equipment during the rental period shall be assumed by the Customer / Lessee, and Customer / Lessee shall indemnity Rental, Professional, Professional Movers, Inc. against any and all such liability. The Customer / Lessee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Rental Crates from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, suit, cost and expense, including, without limitation, legal expenses, claim or action of any nature of kind by reason of injuries to any person or persons, including, without limitation, death, or loss to, or loss of, any property, arising out of or m connection with the items leased hereunder or any other matter relating to this transaction. Lessee shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Rental, Professional, Professional Movers, Inc., its owners, directors, officers, employees and agents from any claims, and resulting damages and losses and expenses, including associated legal fees and expenses arising from Renter’s breach of this Rental Agreement, or Renter’s willful misconduct or negligence in connection with this Rental Agreement. In no event will Owner be responsible for lost profits, or any special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with this Rental Agreement. The maximum liability of the Owner, its owners, directors, officers, employees and agents to Renter or any third party in any circumstance is limited to the amount of fees the Renter paid Owner in connection with this Agreement. This paragraph shall survive the expiration or termination of the Rental Agreement.
WW. ACTS OF GOD: Professional is not liable for loss or damage caused by or resulting from an irresistible superhuman cause, such that no reasonable human foresight, prudence, diligence and care can anticipate and/or prevent; flood, earthquake, or other accident or event that is without human intervention and which could not have been prevented by reasonable means; result of natural cause. The following: Acts of God, natural disasters like fires, hurricanes, tornadoes or other extreme weather conditions, loss of electricity / power, strikes, riots, civil commotion, labor disturbances, closure of roads or bridges, acts of war or rebellion, acts of terrorism, or nuclear reaction or radiation or radioactive contamination acts of any government and/or customs authority (This includes but is not limited to, official confiscation, or consequential delays). We are not liable for loss or damage caused by changes in climatic conditions (temperature and humidity), dampness of atmosphere or extremes of temperature or other forms of inherent vice, including, but not limited to mold, mildew, rust and warping, infestations of any kind, or loss or damage attributable to fumigation or contamination of the shipment; marring, scratching, denting, chipping or rubbing on items received by Professional in an unknown condition. This limitation applies to Valuation OPTION 1: Limited Value Protection or OPTION 2: Full Value Protection.
XX. NOT BOUND BY SCHEDULE, VEHICLE, TRAIN, VESSEL: Professional is not bound to transport by any particular schedule, vehicle, train or vessel or otherwise than with reasonable dispatch. Professional shall have the right in case of physical necessity to forward said property by any carrier or route between the point of shipment and the point of destination. In all cases not prohibited by law, where a lower value than actual has been represented in writing by the customer or has been agreed upon in writing as the released value of the property as determined by the classification or tariffs upon which the rate is based, such lower value shall be the maximum amount to be recovered, whether or not such loss or damage occurs from negligence.
YY. TRANSPORTING CUSTOMER’S GOODS ACROSS FERRY OR WATER: If all or any part of customer property is carried by water over any part of said route, such water carriage shall be performed subject to all the terms and provisions of, and all the exemptions from liability contained in, Act of Congress of the United States, approved on February 3, 1893, and entitled “An Act Relating to the Navigation of Vessels, etc.” and of other statutes of the United States, according carriers by water the protection of limited liability, and to the conditions in this bill of lading not consistent therewith, or with this section. Professional shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any fire happening to or on board the vessel, or from explosion, bursting of boilers or breaking of shafts, unless caused by the design or neglect of Professional
If the owner shall have exercised due diligence in making the vessel in all respect seaworthy and properly crewed, equipped, and supplied, no such carrier shall be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the perils of lakes, seas, or other waters, or from latent defects in bill, machinery, or appurtenances whether existing prior to, at the time of, or after sailing, or from collision, stranding, or other accidents of navigation or from prolongation of the voyage. And, when for any reason it is necessary, any vessel carrying any or all of the property herein described shall be at liberty to call at any port or ports, in or out of the customary route to tow and be towed, to transfer, transship, or lighter, to load and discharge goods at any time to assist vessel in distress, to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property, and for docking and repairs. Except in case of negligence Professional shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to property if it be necessary or is usual to carry the same upon deck.
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